Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Love Affair With Art

Have you ever found yourself 'falling in love' with a piece of art?  It turns out that you are not alone.  Professor Semir Zeki of the University College of London, England, has demonstrated that artwork stimulates the same areas of the brain that are involved when we fall in love.

Maybe this is why so many artists continue to draw, paint, sculpt, etc., even if the returns are less than a living wage.  I believe most artists can never turn away from the creative path and be happy in life.  It is comforting to know that many viewers and collectors may be equally moved as a result of artistic endeavours around them.

In our fast paced world of instant gratification and endless technological wonders, it sometimes seems like art is being cast off and ignored.  Why create by hand images and objects that a machine or computer can reproduce  almost instantly?  Consider this.  Maybe we still need and crave the human touch.......the touch of love.


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