Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The French Riviera

It  was more than a month ago that I promised to post to my blog during our 12 day cruise of the Mediterranean.  Obviously, that did not happen!  We were so busy touring in each port that I did not get a chance to do much else.  This cruise was fabulous but exhausting!

I expected to see many statues and monuments 'decorated' like this ediface over a doorway, but surprisingly, this was one of the few.  Aix en Provence was a very clean town on the French Riviera.

The old part of the town was filled with delightful inner courtyards such as this one, which is now part of the university that is located there.

This fountain was a beautiful spot in the center of the old town, and students seem to congregate there, to enjoy the sun, to read and to socialize.  Aix en Provence was one of my favourite places on the cruise, offering many wonderful subjects to photograph and to paint.  This is the town where the painter Paul Cezanne lived.  We ate lunch in the cafe where he often spent his afternoons.

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