Monday, January 26, 2009

Painting Progression-Horse Portrait in Acrylic-Step 3

Now I paint in the light areas, basically blocking them in, thus creating a third tonal range.  This is how I systematically establish the darker shadows, the local mid-range colors and finally the light colors and highlights, which tend to be closest to the light source. 

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Painting Progression-Horse Portrait in Acrylic-Step 2

In the first stage of the painting, I blocked in the basic mid-tones.  Now I add darks to begin establishing more depth to the picture.  I am controlling separation of the background from my subject by painting darks in the background nearest to the lighter areas in the foreground, and visa-versa.  

Friday, January 23, 2009

Painting Progression-Horse Portrait in Acrylic-Step 1

This is the first stage of a small painting that I completed recently.  I have blocked in washes of colour in a loose fashion initially.  I have used warm tones on the subject and a cooler blue in the background.
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